Notes on The Complete New Yorker DVDs
I don't subscribe to the New Yorker because it's way too much for me to deal with every week. What am I going to do with 80 years' worth?
- The abstacts are very detailed and worth reading themselves.
- There's no full text search.
- You can't copy text from the articles.
- The biggest barrier to writing is reading.
- Switching DVDs is quaint - very 1980s, but it sure would be nice if all this were available on the web. I wonder at their decision not to do that.
- The package and book are printed and manufactured in China.
- The up arrow icon in the upper left of the frame ejects the DVD. That's useful to know.
- Search of the complete archive is slow and it can't be interrupted.
- There's no text search within the abstracts. I have to copy and past the text into WordPad and search it there.
- No tags, but at least an item can be in more than one reading list.
- Over four thousand issues, almost half a million pages.
- Stacked into a cube more than five feet on a side.